Welcome to Nice Boudie Studio, your premier destination for luxury boudoir photographers in South Florida. Our private studio boasts a range of beautifully designed sets, including a bedroom setup, living room set up, a stylish faux shower set, a spicy “red room” and stunning large windows that bathe the studio in natural light, allowing us to craft both dark and moody atmospheres and bright, beauty-filled scenes.

Following your session, you will have a same day reveal to see all of your images and we edit all of your images specifically with you in mind leaving you captivated and wanting more.

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Best of Florida Regional winner
Before and after Boudoir PicturesBefore and after Boudoir Pictures
Before and after Boudoir PicturesBefore and after Boudoir Pictures
Before and after Boudoir PicturesBefore and after Boudoir Pictures
Before and after Boudoir PicturesBefore and after Boudoir Pictures
Before and after Boudoir PicturesBefore and after Boudoir Pictures
Before and after Boudoir PicturesBefore and after Boudoir Pictures

Boudoir Photographers in South Florida

Who are we?

Here at our studio, we’re women supporting women. We’re by your side every step of the way, understanding that this experience can feel vulnerable and nerve-wracking. You’re not alone in this journey – we’ve got your hand, and we’ve got your back. Our number one goal is to remind you of your worth and to support you along your journey!


photographer / owner of nice boudie / mom / imperfect human

When I first started photographing Boudoir, I instantly fell in love with it. Making connections with women is extremely rewarding to me. I am an average woman, myself. I am a mom of 2 little girls. As many of us do, I have had many ups and downs in my relationship with my body. My clients have given me so much over the years, and as much as I have helped them, they have helped and healed me as well.  I love stepping on the other side of the camera because it allows me to step out of my daily roles as a mom and wife and just embrace ME as I am RIGHT NOW. Giving that gift to other women to start seeing themselves as beautiful, sexy, and empowered is why I do what I do. I can’t wait to meet you, change your perspective, and share laughs and happy tears.


photographer / owner of nice boudie / wife / mom / passionate foodie

I began my journey in women’s imaging(mammography), discovering my passion for empowering women along the way. I firmly believe that when a woman’s cup is full, her ability to uplift those around her knows no bounds. Life has taught me through many hardships and personal losses that I am able to connect with women on so many levels. Photography has always been a passion for me, especially when it comes to pulling out people’s confidence. My life’s story includes teenage motherhood, the joy of raising two amazing kids, and various twists and turns, all of which have helped me understand myself and appreciate life’s small victories. Trust me, we all deserve to be reminded of our true selves and fully embrace it.

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Boudoir Photographers in South Florida
Boudoir Photographers in South Florida
Boudoir Photographers in South Florida
Boudoir Photographers in South Florida
Boudoir Photographers in South Florida
Boudoir Photographers in South Florida
Boudoir Photographers in South Florida


Let’s get you booked as soon as possible.

We’re usually booked out 8-9 weeks in advance.
(561) 880 – 5775 • hello@niceboudie.com
We’d love to chat! Click below to book your free consultation:

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Join our Facebook Community!

The Nice Boudie VIP Page is our all women Facebook page with a focus on self-love, body acceptance and empowerment. We laugh, make jokes, post memes & take pride in who we are as women!

EVERYONE wants a


Let us show you how you can become a Bad Ass Boudie Babe!

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